Racing and Classes

Points are accumulated for the Crestwood Race Series. (total of 5 races) Allowing to drop only one of your worst or missed races. Therefore the total of your 4 highest race finishes being used to decide the final position overall.


The track membership will entitle you to use the track every day from 8 AM until dusk, except for race days and when the track is closed for maintenance. Members also receive discounts for events held at the track.

Our RC season is late May-Nov.

Class Rules

Driving assistance products such as gyros are banned from competition. Spektrum AVC receivers may be used if they are in Blinky mode. Anyone found to have driving assistance active in their vehicles will lose their fastest qualifier. A second offence in the same day will result in a Disqualification.

Nitro vehicles

Nitro vehicles should be equipped with a .28ci engine or smaller and a maximum 125cc fuel tank for buggy, 150cc for Truggy. Throttle return failsafe is mandatory.

1/8 Nitro Buggy Requires

  • 1/8 Buggy-style body
  • 1/8 Buggy wheels and tires
  • 1/8 wing
  • 125cc fuel tank
  • 28ci engine or smaller

1/8 Nitro Truggy Requires

  • 1/8 Truggy-style body
  • 1/8 Truggy wheels and tires
  • 1/8 wing
  • 150cc fuel tank
  • 28ci engine or smaller

Electric vehicles

Electric 1/8 vehicles shall run 4S or smaller LiPo/LiFe batteries, either as a single pack or two packs in series. Motors can be either 2 or 4 pole.

1/8 E-Buggy Requires:

  • 1/8 Buggy-style body
  • 1/8 Buggy wheels and tires
  • 1/8 wing
  • 4S or smaller LiPo/LiFe batteries
  • 2 or 4 pole motor

1/8 E-Truggy Requires:

  • 1/8 Truggy-style body
  • 1/8 Truggy wheels and tires
  • 1/8 wing
  • 4S or smaller LiPo/LiFe batteries
  • 2 or 4 pole motor

4WD Short Course

1/10 4WD Short Course Requires

  • Closed wheel body with all fenders attached
  • 1/10 SC style wheels and tires (2.2” outer bead, 3.0” inner)
  • Spoilers/wings built into, or supplied with the body are allowed, aftermarket bolt-on units are not
  • Batteries are limited to 2S LiPo/LiFe or 7-cell NiXX packs
  • Motors are limited to 550 size or smaller, 2 or 4 poles


Participants must have been born on or after June 1st, 2004 to enter this class. 2 and 4WD SCT, Stadium Truck. Participants running SCT trucks will abide by the SCT rules. Stadium trucks are limited to 2S LiPo/LiFe or 7-cell NiXX, 2.2” ST wheels and tires and ST style bodies.


Vehicles allowed are 1/10 Electric only. This class is for kids that have been bumped up from the kids class and anyone with little or no experience racing at Boards discretion. The Board also has the right to move racers in this class to a regular class if the driver is capable.

There have been some requests to run monster trucks in the Truggy classes and other various vehicles. We are allowing them to run at the boards discretion on race days if we can find a spot for them.


We run 2 to 7-minute quals with 3 minutes between heats.

We have an open practice at the beginning of the day.

We use rocket round to set TQ. So the highest number of laps in 7 minutes gets you TQ.

Electric A-Mains are 10 minutes. B-mains and lower are 8 minutes with 2 bumps
Nitro A-Mains are 30 minutes. B-mains are 15 minutes and lower are 10 minutes with 2 bumps

The track has limited power to run the pa system, scoring laptop.

So please bring a generator. There is a bunch of people that have them so make some friends.

Track Sponsors